A Year of Truth
New Westminster City Council has proclaimed March 2023 to March 2024 as A Year of Truth.
In order to understand Truth and Reconciliation, truth must come first.
As a city and community, we need to understand the mistakes of our past in order to make meaningful reconciliation. We need to learn about all that was stolen and all that was lost so that we can continue to live, work, and play on the lands and waters now known as New Westminster.
A Year of Truth is a time for our city and community to acknowledge where we are responsible, to learn as much as we can about the Indigenous experience in Canada, and to commit to meaningful reconciliation.
The daffodil is a symbol of truth. A Year of Truth is about looking inward and the artwork is all about reflection. The formline designs and colours reflect back on one another and the bulb acts as a mirror. It is only when we reflect upon ourselves, our past and present, and when we take inventory of our role in the harms inflicted upon Indigenous peoples, that the healing buds of truth can begin to blossom. It is only then that reconciliation can meaningfully take root.
Artist: Christina Coolidge

Learning Resources
City of New Westminster
Indigenous Awareness Days
Local Nations
Local Communities

Additional Resources

As a city and community, we need to understand the mistakes of our past in order to make meaningful reconciliation. We need to learn about all that was stolen and all that was lost so that we can continue to live, work, and play on the lands and waters now known as New Westminster.
City of New Westminster
511 Royal Avenue
New Westminster, BC V3L 1H9
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm